L’ABILITÀ – Agenda Blu

Agenda Blu is a centre created by the non-profit association L’abilità, which is dedicated to children affected with autism spectrum disorder, based on the Italian Society of Neuropsychiatry guidelines on Autism.
The aim is to ensure an early, intensive and curricular intervention to develop the skills of children and their families.
The intervention is individualised, starting from the needs of each child; furthermore, it involves the family and the school with specific counselling, orienteering and training activities for parents and teachers.


Ololowokwan Clinic

Ololosokwan ward is located in Loliondo division’s Arusha area inside the Ngorongoro district. It includes a number of communities that border the Kenyan border to the north and the eastern edge of the Serengeti National Park, such as Ololosokwan, Sero, and Meirowa.

The Ololosokwan, Meirowa, and Sero communities partnered with Wild Impact andBeyond with a legacy focus on Ololosokwan Clinic and Primary School, Meirowa Primary School, and Sero Clinic, for more than 15 years, assisting their sustainable growth.

Giuliani Foundation particularly, has supported the development of The Ololosokwan Clinic, a ten-room clinic as well as housing for doctors and nurses.


Emurototo Clinic Completion

The Emurototo village is to be found on the escarpment that overlooks the magnificent Maasai Mara national reserve. Emurutoto is currently served by a privately run dispensary – the simplest form of medical service provision. The government has recently started the development of a new clinic within an adjacent site, near to the Emurutoto primary school. To date, they have completed the foundations and the initial laying of the walls. The development was subject to a freeze that affected all Government projects due to the Kenyan elections and consequent Government instability. At present, the County Governor has informed the community that there is not enough public funding to complete the clinic. Africa Foundation offers to support the community by assisting in the completion of the clinic infrastructure and the construction of a Doctors House. The Governor guaranteed that the Department of Health will allocate a Doctor, as well as ongoing clinic equipment and supplies to make the clinic operational.


Mduku Clinic Doctors Accommodation

The Mduku Clinic was built by Africa Foundation during the 1993-1995 period, in full collaboration with the community and the Department of Health. Prior to its construction, only a fortnightly mobile clinic had served the healthcare needs of this community. The clinic has expanded over the years and is now a 24-hour facility that treats emergencies as well as chronic illnesses. It provides ARV therapy to over 2,000 HIV/AIDS patients, voluntary testing and counselling services. Most recently, Africa Foundation built nurses accommodation on site at the clinic. At the moment, it is fundraising to build a Doctors House, which will then enable the resident Doctor to be allocated to the clinic from the District Hospital. In addition, it will also open up the clinic to the opportunity of an International Doctor Volunteer Programme.


Giuliani Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Milan donated a new vehicle to Associazione Banco Alimentare helping them to deliver food to the organizations that are involved in assisting vulnerable families who need help in Milan and in the Lombardy Region due to the COVID19 emergency and its economic impact on the population.

Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS coordinates and guides the Banco Alimentare Network, giving value to the efforts and results of each Regional Banco Alimentare organisation.

It promotes the recovery and redistribution of food surpluses to charities, organises and manages the National Food Collection Day and other food drives, manages communication tools at a national level.


The Monzino is a clinical research hospital that is highly specialised in the heart and its vessels. Founded in 1981, it is part of the IEO-Monzino group: two centres of excellence in the management of major pathologies of the Western world, which reinvest all their profits in research and innovation.

Our Foundation supports a specific project defined “Therapeutically targeting fibroblasts to prevent adverse tissue remodeling”.


The National Cancer Institute of Milan (INT), foundation and government-designated centre for treatment and research (IRCCS), has been treating cancer patients and carrying out clinical and basic research in cancer, since its formation in 1928. It is recognised as a leading cancer centre in Italy.

The INT has recently been designated a Comprehensive Cancer Centre by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) in recognition of its excellence both in patient care and the development of new treatments.

Our Foundation supports a specific project “MASTERFAST”: a study protocol to evaluate the anticancer efficacy of calorie restriction in combination with standard therapies in advanced tumours.


SKY – Vocational Training for Young People

Helvetas is an independent organization for development based in Switzerland with affiliated organizations in Germany and the United States. It supports poor and disadvantaged women, men and communities in about thirty developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Our Foundation supports the project called “SKY: Skills and Knowledge for Youth” to provide vocational training for young people from poor families in the Ethiopian regional state of Amhara. Short courses are given in occupations for which there is high demand, such as hairdresser, tailor, carpenter or car mechanic.”


  • Support the research about Avascular Necrosis (AVN), a condition in which the bone “dies” as a result of a loss of circulation to an area of bone tissue; the research will not only advance our understanding of the risk factors for developing AVN, it will also give us a broader understanding of bone cells – potentially allowing us to apply the knowledge gained from this research to other conditions and diseases.
  • Support The Precision Medicine Laboratory and the Chief Scientific Officer Fund.
  • Creation of the Immunohistology Lab.


Our Foundation supports the Research Project of Dr. Federico Verde of IRCCS Istituto Auxologico italiano, regarding “Biomarker definition in neurodegenerative pathologies, with particular attention to dementias and motor neurone diseases”.

The Research Project, as confirmed by Vincenzo Silani, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology-Stroke Unit and Laboratory of Neuroscience at IRCCS Istituto Auxologico italiano – University of Milan, has important implications for scientific research and the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.

The study of biomarkers will allow to obtain useful information for the diagnosis, for differentiation compared to other diseases and for prognostic stratification. The studies, performed in cooperation with other research centres in Germany, will especially focus on dementias (Alzheimer Syndrome, Frontotemporal degeneration, Dementia with Lewy bodies) as well as on motor neuron diseases.


Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana (OSI) has made a name for itself as one of the leading European orchestras on the international stage. Since the 1930s, it has played a central role in Canton Ticino’s musical development, taking its present name in 1991. Ansermet, Stravinsky, Stokowski, Celibidache and Scherchen are among the great music personalities who directed it. Over the years, many composers collaborated with OSI: Mascagni, Richard Strauss, Honegger, Milhaud, Martin and Hindemith, and in more recent times Berio, Henze and Penderecki.

OSI is one of fourteen professional orchestras currently active in Switzerland. It consists of forty-one permanent musicians and divides its time among many concerts, such as regional concert seasons (RSI concerts, LuganoMusica, Settimane Musicali di Ascona), local outreach events (concerts for schools, family concerts, summer festivals), joint projects with the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, as well as other concerts in different parts of Switzerland and abroad (tours and international co-productions). It works with great names of conductors and with internationally acclaimed lead singers, performing in the most important concert venues.


The Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, and Harvard brings together scientists and engineers from diverse fields to better understand the immune system and support human health. The mission is to harness the immune system to prevent and cure human disease.


Giuliani Foundation is thrilled to announce the establishment of the Giammaria and Sabrina Giuliani Endowed Faculty Support Fund — a permanent endowment that will support Ragon faculty who are pursuing research in human health and the immune system. Our exceptional contribution will fuel the ongoing endeavors at the Ragon Institute,  as it continues to strive toward the advancement of immunology and global health.


with Fondazione Milan

Sport for All is a sport and social project that started with the aim of promoting sports activities played together by people with and without disabilities, in order to promote social cohesion and integration in the society in which we live.

It’s based on a key concept: sport played by mixed groups, by people with different abilities, is a perfect way to use diversity as a resource for the growth of the individual and of the community.

The sports practiced are many: football, fencing, gymnastics, beach volleyball, multisport and, in five dedicated moments, the Blind Sport Days, for blind and partially-sighted people.

The project will take place in:

  • Vittoria (Ragusa), Palazzetto dello Sport – 01/02/2020
  • Roma, parrocchia “Nostra Signora di Coromoto” zona Colli Portuensi – TBD
  • Reggio Emilia – TBD


with Kessel Racing

The LeMans 24 H Project is an initiative of Kessel Racing. The project sees the participation of a female only team of pilots (“Team Kessel”) to the races of the Le Mans 24H 2019. The three pilots are the swiss, Rahel Frey, the dane, Michelle Gatting, and the italian, Manuela Gostner.

The project aims at the promotion of female roles also in environments, like car races, traditionally reserved to males roles.

Team Kessel has decided to wear the emblem and name of our Foundation in recognition of our commitment to social inclusion policies during the incoming races:

In honor to the commitment of Kessel Racing and Team Kessel to inclusion policies, our Foundation has decided to celebrate any victory or placement in the first three positions of Team Kessel in the above-mentioned races with a financial contribution to an association, selected by Kessel Racing, dedicated to the support of women in serious financial difficulties or victims of social exclusion.


The Giuliani Foundation is making a small but important contribution to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy.

Through contacts with the leading Chinese online pharmacy Jianke Pharmaceutical (www.jianke.com), we are able to procure protective suits and medical face masks for emergency hospital of Milano Fiera in Italy with the collaboration of the Corpo Italiano di soccorso Ordine Cavalieri di Malta.

Centro Agenda Blu, funded by the Giuliani Foundation, has been working to help children and families in this specific situation, providing dedicated activities, learning material and a 24-hour assistance.

The Foundation is making a contribution to support the Hospital of Special Surgery to take proactive steps to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe, including the suspension of nonessential care.


Banco immobiliare
Kessel Racing