Emurototo Clinic Completion

The Emurototo village is to be found on the escarpment that overlooks the magnificent Maasai Mara national reserve. Emurutoto is currently served by a privately run dispensary – the simplest form of medical service provision. The government has recently started the development of a new clinic within an adjacent site, near to the Emurutoto primary school. To date, they have completed the foundations and the initial laying of the walls. The development was subject to a freeze that affected all Government projects due to the Kenyan elections and consequent Government instability. At present, the County Governor has informed the community that there is not enough public funding to complete the clinic. Africa Foundation offers to support the community by assisting in the completion of the clinic infrastructure and the construction of a Doctors House. The Governor guaranteed that the Department of Health will allocate a Doctor, as well as ongoing clinic equipment and supplies to make the clinic operational.

Mduku Clinic Doctors Accommodation

The Mduku Clinic was built by Africa Foundation during the 1993-1995 period, in full collaboration with the community and the Department of Health. Prior to its construction, only a fortnightly mobile clinic had served the healthcare needs of this community. The clinic has expanded over the years and is now a 24-hour facility that treats emergencies as well as chronic illnesses. It provides ARV therapy to over 2,000 HIV/AIDS patients, voluntary testing and counselling services. Most recently, Africa Foundation built nurses accommodation on site at the clinic. At the moment, it is fundraising to build a Doctors House, which will then enable the resident Doctor to be allocated to the clinic from the District Hospital. In addition, it will also open up the clinic to the opportunity of an International Doctor Volunteer Programme.